An upset Nick storms out of Brooke’s place and heads to Chuck’s bar for a must needed drink where he socializes with Taylor. The two drink to their miserable lives. Brooke learns from Massimo and Jackie that Nick was there and saw her and Ridge together. Brooke runs out to find Nick hoping that he hasn’t gotten the wrong idea. Nick and Taylor head back to his boat drunk. In their drunken state, they seem to be getting close when Brooke enters.
Bridget urges Nick to go to Brooke and stop the wedding. Before Nick leaves, Bridget requests for one last dance with her husband. While dancing, Eric leaves a frantic message telling Bridget the wedding is starting and Nick rushes out to put a stop to it. The ceremony begins with no sign of Nick, who is stuck in traffic. Brooke and Ridge start to say their vows but just as Brooke and Ridge are about to exchange rings, Nick bursts in, flings Brooke over his shoulder and rushes her upstairs to the shock and disbelief of everyone at the wedding.